A place for Q&A, comments, and any other general feedback related to Flixel

how do i sign up using email?

Shane Palmer 11 aastat tagasi uuendaja Flixel 11 aastat tagasi 0

i dont have twitter or facebook so i want to use the sign up using email option, Nothing happens when i fill out my credentials though. the done button remains grey and unselectable.

Flixel 11 aastat tagasi

Hi Shane, please make sure you properly fill out the sign up form correctly which requires you to input your full email adress e.g. shane@gmail.com - that should do the trick! Let us know if you need any further assistance.


Why does the latest update require ios 6?

Andre Zanoncello 12 aastat tagasi uuendaja Flixel 12 aastat tagasi 0
Why does the latest update require ios 6? Is there something specific in the app that requires I have ios 6? I don't want iOS 6.
Flixel 12 aastat tagasi

iOS 6 have some great new features that improves performance speed as well as using native stabilization for iPhone 4S and 5. To strive in giving the best experience possible for our App we had to move to iOS 6 only for these features to work.